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Questions about how to trade on Bebop? Read more here.
Is there slippage when you trade on Bebop?
How do I check if there's slippage for my trades on Bebop?
How do I manually adjust slippage for my trades on Bebop?
What is the difference between price impact vs price slippage?
What are network fees and how much do I need to pay?
How can I see my trade breakdown?
How is the price quoted on Bebop?
Where can I see my trade history on Bebop?
Is it possible to approve multiple tokens at once?
Why do I need to manage permissions and approve the use of tokens?
How can I calculate savings for each additional token traded in multi-token trade?
Is it possible to trade multiple tokens for multiple tokens?
How can I trade multiple tokens at once?
How can I see my trade history on a block explorer?
Why am I receiving an error on the “You Send” address?